Here is a remedy that I suggest you take for simple cases of heart palpitations and extrasystoles.
Ingredients :
- Garlic
- Olive oil
- Lemon
Preparation :
Use 10 cloves of garlic, 1/2 liter of olive oil, 1/4 liter of lemon juice. Chop the garlic and mix in a glass bottle containing the olive oil and lemon juice, leave to ferment for 48 hours.
Take 2 tablespoons early in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening at bedtime.
NB: avoid stimulants (cola, coffee, alcohol, etc.). Also keep in mind that palpitations are often caused by certain medications. Having a balanced diet is also essential for cases of extrasystoles.
This juice is available in our office.
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00229 911 94710
May the blessings be…